The Dancer Coline Quintin und the violinist Elo Masing find an intuitive way to be together as dancer and musician, and to be equal as performers. In their work, they look to balance the relationship between seriousness and humor, resonance and memories, listening to movement and playing with the music.
The Violonist : Elo Masing is a composer/free improviser of Estonian origin, currently based in Berlin, Germany. Her music has been performed internationally by renowned soloists and ensembles and released on the Squeaky Kate and squib-box labels. She has recently been awarded a PhD at the Royal Academy of Music, London, where she explored the physicality of instrumental performance in chamber music, and with support from the Academy, received private tuition from Rebecca Saunders. With composer-improviser Dave Maric, she forms the free improvisation duo Vicious Circus whose debut album was released to critical acclaim in 2014. She is also member of the newly-formed Berlin-based new music ensemble Reanimation Orchestra, and plays and arranges music in the subconscious song duo Golden Dark.
Coline Quintin ist Tänzerin und Choreografin. Sie hat ihre Tanzausbildung am Conservatorium von Paris absolviert und lebt in Berlin, wo sie verschiedene Projekte entwickelt. Sie leitet zwei “Erforschungsgruppen” : die Ton des Tanzes, sowie das Sun-dew Tanzprojekt, welches sich auf die Beziehung zwischen Tanz und Musik fokussiert. Sie tanzt oft als Gast in Konzerte und lädt Musiker auf der Tanzszene ein, unter anderem Foudil, Ensemble Xenos, Elo Masing.
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